The time of Philosopher Kings is already here:


International Logic Party Principles:

The first principle is that we should always be open to examining any of our own ideas, especially if we         intend to hold public office.
The second principle is that the best way to examine our ideas is to make them as transparent as         possible to ourselves and to others.
The third principle is that no candidate running a campaign for the Party nomination or for any public         office with the Party nomination may accept any funding towards their campaign from anyone         except the Party. Any donations accepted by the candidate from outside sources may only be used         to promote the Party itself (i.e. to promote logical thinking).

International Logic Party Goals:

The primary goal of the ILP is to promote logical thinking and logical ideas within the party ranks and t         the general electorate. This is achieved by upholding the first two Party principles. 
The secondary goal of the ILP is to nominate and help elect to public offices Party members with the         most intellectual integrity and the highest qualifications. This is achieved through grassroots         meetings, organizing, outreach, and by upholding the third Party principle.

Key concepts:

Egora is the an online networking platform (under construction) used by the International Logic Party         to organize itself. Egora has two fundamental roles: as a stock-market of ideas and a grassroots         meeting scheduling tool. “Egora” is a contraction of electronic and agora, where agora was the         name of an ancient Greek public space and market.

Ideological Profile is a function unique to the Egora platform. It is a list of a user’s ideas starting from         the most fundamental observations and theories about life and existence, through their systems of         ethics and justice, down to the most practical implementations in laws and issues. Even before the         Egora is constructed, anyone is able to partially engage in using the system by creating and sharing         with others their Ideological Profile.  

Idea Dominance Index is a composite index of all ideas in the Ideological Profiles of the Egora users.         An idea will rise in dominance on the index based on how many people support it and how highly         each person ranks it.

Program on Saturday, May 19th at 6:00 PM
College of Complexes


Every Saturday at 6:00 PM
Dappers East Restaurant
2901 W. Addison (3600 north, one block west of California)
Free Parking
$3 Tuition, dinner optional, all meetings open to the public